On-Site Coverage for 229
If you also have our Warranty in place, then this can add coverage for our travel to your location. (NOTE: Warranty must ALSO be in force to be able to add OnSite trip coverage, so this Onsite coverage MUST be purchased in conjunction with the corresponding Warranty coverage.)
Onsite Service is primarily for schools, libraries, makerspaces, and businesses where it is not usually convenient to allocate resources towards transporting a printer(s) to our shop. It's much quicker and less burdensome if we come to your printer. We will try to fix it on the spot, but some problems may require taking the printer back to our shop. Transport to and from our shop is also covered with Onsite.
Can also be purchased outside of our regular area for an additional mileage charge.
Our current regular service area is a 1 hour drive or 50 miles radius from DFW, whichever is farther.
If you expect to need (or love) your printer so much that you need a replacement printer while yours is being serviced back at or shop, you may get a loaner printer for a nominal fee ($10/day plus delivery charge) or purchase the Loaner Plan up front ($240 for 12 months, plus distance fee if applicable) to add that coverage. Please contact us for specific pricing.